sunnuntai 17. elokuuta 2014

Näin Miisa onnistui onnellisuudessa ^^

Koska en jaksa vielä luoda toista blogia, koska olen laiska, koska koivunhalaaja.blogspot tai joku muu yhtä eeppinen blogi on velä pahasti vaiheessa, eli vaan ajatustasolla päänisisällä. Ups.
Tässä eeppinen ensimmäinen suomenkielinen postaukseni, heh :D

Tänään olen...
- maannut sängyllä
- kuunnellut koneelta minulle uusia biisejä
- hyvästellyt ryttylärannekkeen, mutta elänyt silti ryttylämäistä elämää, ilman Ryttylää, ryttyläihmisiä, tai sitä täydellisen väristä ryttyläranneketta
- tanssinut uusien ihanien kenkieni kanssa ja rakastunut niihin vieläkin syvemmin
- syönyt ihanaa mummin tekemää leipää
- opiskellut vapaaehtoisesti!
- mennyt bussilla Lappeenrantaan, kertomatta kenellekkään mitään, hups
- istunut bussipysäkillä, asfaltilla, ilman kenkiä ja syönyt kävelymatkalla poimimiani kauranjyviä
- jättänyt bussiin positiivisuuslapun
- lähes laulanut ja tanssinut itsekseni bussin penkillä
- nauttinut lämmöstä
- nähnyt ihanaa ystäväistäni ptkästä aikaa ja halannut häntä
- kuullut hyvää musiikkia ja mennyt taktisesti lähes musiikkia soittavien randomeiden viereen syömään jäätelöä
- nähnyt rakasta ystäväistäni Emiliaa pitkästä aikaa kunnolla
- kävellyt randomeiden soittaman musiikin tahtiin, pomppinut ja tanssinut
- kiivennyt Lappeenrannan kirkkopuistossa olevaan puuhun ja löytänyt sieltä hämmentävää kasvillisuutta
- pomppinut, tanssinut ja laulanut matkalla mäkkäriin
- pomppinut kivillä mäkkärin pihassa
- tehnyt lähempää tuttavuutta ampiaisiin mäkkärin terassilla(kai se on terassi?)
- nähnyt toistakin ihanaa ystäväistäni pitkästä aikaa ja halannut häntä
- ottanut mäkkärin pihalla kengät pois enkä vieläkään laittanut niitä takasin, no okei okei, syyllistyin laittamaan kengät jalkaan hypätessäni pois mainoskyltiltä ja kävellessäni mutaisella hiekkatiellä mutta eipäs mennä sen enempää aikojen edelle
- nauttinut paljainjaloin kävelystä
- löytänyt roskiksen päältä täyden kahvimukin ja juonut siitä
- jättänyt kahvimukin toisen roskiksen päälle ja mennyt kauppaan ostamaan jäätelön ja banaaneja banaanilettuja varten
- ottanut kahvimukin taas roskiksen päältä ja jatkanut juomista samalla kun Emilia katsoo vierestä ehkä lievästi hämmentyneenä ja järkyttyneenä, kahvi ja jäätelö sopii muute hyvin yhtee :3
- istunut bussipysäkillä, tälläkertaa ihan penkillä, tosin väärin päin
- leikkinyt Emilian kanssa kololeikkiä
- ollut suomalaisesti sosiaalinen, eli istunut bussissa armeijapojan vieressä, tietenkin kuulokkeet korvilla ja sanomatta mitään
- kiivennyt mainoskyltille
- ollut mainoskyltillä istumassa, kirjoittamassa, laulamassa ja tanssimassa
- hypännyt mainoskyltltä alas, hyi, kengät jalassa
- kävellyt mummille, hyi, taas osan matkaa kengät jalassa, koska mutaista ja huomannut että kengät jalassa varpaaseeni sattuu kummallisesti
- syönyt mummilla, ja kuunnellut mummin harvinaisen oikeasti mukavia juttuja
- pomppinut trampoliinilla
- huomannut, että varpaaseen sattui mystisesti, koska paljainjaloin kävely on jättänyt mielenkiintoisen viillon, ja todennut etten jaksa välittää pikkuisesta naarmusta
- oppinut jotain uutta ja hienoa
- tehnyt kärrynpyöriä ja melkein seisonut käsillä
- kokannut banaanilettuja, onneks ulkonäöllä ei oo väliä tässäkään asiassa...
- kirjoittanut, tanssinut, laulanut, kuunnellut musiikkia
- ollut onnellinen

Näin Miisa onnistui onnellsuudessa.
Hillevi ei onnistunut (ks. rakkaan ystäväiseni Even blogi:
Eve, oi ihana Eve, olen lukenut viimeaikoina paljon mahtavia blogitekstejäsi *sellanen ihana creepyface* ja ah, niitä kaikkia ihania ajatuksia, jotka sieltä on tarttunut mukaani, kiitos, olet ihana ^^
Lueskelin tuota Even blogia ja mietin taas, miksi ihmeessä vaan istun tässä koneella.
Miksi en ole ulkona pomppimassa tai tanssimassa?
Miksi teen arjesta puuduttavaa?
Miksi vaan istun tai makaan sängylläni, olen koneella ja luen? Luen, olen yksin ja luen... (tässä vaiheessa hiljennän päänisisäisen jukeboxini, hys)
Miksi en elä hetkessä? Tai kyllähän elän, tai ainakin yritän, mutten ole onnellinen.
Miksi en ole onnellinen?
Olen tylsistynyt. Jumitan vaan päivät pitkät koneella.
Koska en voi olla kavereiden kanssa.
No miten se muka muuttaa asiaa?
Miksi ei voi nauttia yksin olosta?
Miksi ei voi olla onnellinen?
Miksi Nalle Puhin mielestä onni on hetki juuri ennen hunajapurkin avaamista?
Eikö onnellisin hetki pitäisi olla se kun jo syöt hunajaa, sitä ihanaa täydellistä hunajaa?
Miksi onnellisin hetki on odotus hunajasta? Kun et vielä tiedä onko purkissa varmasti hunajaa. Entä jos purkki onkin tyhjä? Tai hunaja ei olekaan hyvää? Miksi odotus on tärkeämpää?
Aargh! Voihan Nalle Puh minkä teit.

Minä päätin olla onnellinen hetkessä. En odottaa onnea, vaan olla onnellinen. En olla onnellisin onnellisuutta odotteassani vaan olla onnellinen odotuksesta, tiedosta että jotain ihanaa tapahtuu, ja olla vieläkin onnellisempi hetkessä, silloin kun olen onnellinen. En vain odota onnellista hetkeä, tai muistele onnea vasta kun aika on sen kullannut, vaan elän hetkessä, olen hetkessä onnellinen. Ajattelen olevani onnellinen, kun olen onnellinen. En vasta sitten kun olen taas allapäin, ja tajuan, että olin onnellinen.

Olin onnellinen, mitä sä luulit.

Jukeboxi.... Shhhhhh!

Täytyy uskaltaa olla onnelinen... Kyllä, me suomalaiset tarvitsemme rohkeutta ollaksemme onnellisia, niin tyhmältä kun se kuulostaakin. Onhan se toki mielenkiintosempaa kuunnella kaikkia mikä on pielessä, ketä tässä maailmassa kiinostaa positiivusuus? Hah, ihan yliarvostettua! Vai onko?
Jos ihminen pyrkii onnellisuuteen, miksei ihminen ole onnellinen. Miksei ihminen tee asioita jotka tekee hänet onnelliseksi? Miksi ihminen haluaa jumittua sängynpohjalle tylsistymään ja masentumaan, jos kerran tavoitteena on onnellisuus? Miksei voi vaan ...olla onnellinen? Se ei itseasiassa ole niin hirveän vaikeeta...
Ripaus positiivisuutta, onnellisia ajatuksia, onnelliseksi tekevien asioden tekemistä, hetkessä elämistä ja tsädäm olet onnellinen.

Can't wait, että jaksan tehä sen oikeen blogin! Tähänkin tekstiin vois sit vaikka upottaa muutaman kuvan. On meinaan aika ...kuvattoman näköstä :D

sunnuntai 30. maaliskuuta 2014

Last text! It's finally over! Finally ^^

Time on my hands

I like spare time because then I can do whatever I want. At some point doing whatever I want is not such a good thing. Especially after school doing whatever I want means lying in the bed or sofa and just being in a some kind of coma. School is sometimes very stressful and I can't get myself to go to bed early enough. That's a very big problem when it comes to how I spend my time. When I get back to home from school I'm exhausted and can't do anything. Normally I fall a sleep while reading a book and listening to music.

If I have some energy left after school I maybe stay in the city with some friends or go to walk in my neighbourhood. When I finally get home I usually make a big mistake... I open my computer. Then the internet catch me and there's no way out. Or maybe Criminal Minds – the wonderful crime fiction which I have to watch every night – can lure me away from the internet for a while. After Criminal Minds I usually have my energy back – right when I'm supposed to go to sleep. At night I start to dance or clean up my room. I also often look out of a window and see how beautiful the sky looks and I can't just stay inside the house. And then I go to sleep too late and am tired the next day.

I love weekends and holidays. Then I can seriously take the time on my hands and do what I want. The best thing is that I can sleep long. At Saturday I usually am with my wonderful friends and at night I walk on the streets. I like watching series online so I do that a lot at weekends too. On holidays I usually go to meet my relatives and friends who live far away from Luumäki. I like traveling alone by train or by bus. It feels like I can go wherever I want whenever I want. In summers I swim a lot. I love swimming and just hang out on the beach with my friends. I can't wait for the summer holiday...

Aah, now I can relax c:
I think I don't wanna write in english for a while :'D Or... Who knows? 
But I think I will create a new blog which I write in finnish :)

tiistai 25. maaliskuuta 2014

English text number 4 (Only one left! ^.^)

Sport builds character even more than muscle and stamina.”

It's true that sport builds character even more than muscle and stamina. I wouldn't be me if I hadn't found dancing and my friend wouldn't be herself if she hadn't found basketball. The sport that we do had made us who we are.

I don't do sport because I want more muscle and stamina. I do sport because I want to. I don't care about muscles. I care about sports I like to do. In some sports you have to be patience. Break dance, for example: you can't just do a headspin without practising it, and sometimes it takes a lot of time. The same thing goes for jumping on the trampoline, what I like to do too, you can't do backflip before you have tried something less difficult. Both of my examples also take courage. Of course if you do sport your muscles get bigger and you get more stamina, but I don't think that's the meaning of sport. I think is more about being healthy and having fun.

I fell in love with dance when I was in the eighth grade. I didn't have many friends at the time so I spent my spare time with music and dancing. Back then dancing and walking alone at night were the best things I knew. Yeah, I like to walk too, especially at night. It's so beautiful when the moon is shining in the sky and the stars are twinkling. (Twinkle twinkle little star... Yeah, I really am the walking jukebox. That hadn't changed anywhere in couple of weeks.)

I'm still in love with dancing. Dancing has made me who I am. It's fantastic that I can just put the music on and start to dance. I couldn't live without dance, it has become so important to me. Somebody might say it's just dance, I say that it's a way of life.


sunnuntai 16. maaliskuuta 2014

Text number 3 Mmm.... My dream holiday =3

Holiday diary: Perfect day in Australia

The 9th of October 2014

Dear diary it's lovely to be here in Australia. I finally got here. I had been hoping so long that some day I could travel to Australia and now I have been here a few days. I'm staying two weeks with Melissas' family. She's the one who bought two dogs from us and ask me to visit her sometime.

This morning, or actually yesterday morning, I woke up pretty early because it was extremely hot. I thought the sun had become insane or something! It was so hot that I decided to jump into the swimming pool. I didn't care that my nightclothes were going to be wet. They would dry anyway in one hour. So what is the big deal with that? I still think Melissas' ten-year-old boy gave me a dirty look, maybe Melissa won't let him to jump into the pool straight from the bed with his nightclothes on. (I think I'm giving bad advice to kids – again.) In fact I think that some strangers who just passed by looked at me in a really strange way, but that's just how people look at me.

After I had swum enough in the pool, I started to read a book, lain outside and sunbathe. I almost fell asleep but suddenly something very weird happened. I heard a strange noise and clatter. I looked where I thought the noise was coming from and I saw a kangaroo. It was eating the sandwich that I had made for myself. Seriously! Why would some kangaroo want to jump over the hedge and come to eat my sandwich? I was mad, because it was eating MY food but I thought that I wasn't going to see a real kangaroo eating a sandwich again so I wanted to take a picture of it and tried to get close to it with my camera. Of course when I was really close to it, it jumped away. I didn't get any good photos, and that's sad. But I think that wasn't the one and only kangaroo that I'm going to see on my holiday, but unfortunately I think that was the only one with a sandwich.

Later that day we went to the beach. There were lot of people there and the weather was amazing. It was lovely to swim in the ocean. And then surprisingly I end up on some boat and we (Don't ask me what “we” means, I'm not sure. I think the man with the boat was Melissas' friend or cousin. Him included, there were maybe fifteen people.) It was very exciting because I didn't know anybody else. And then I heard that we were going scuba diving! I was afraid and extremely happy at the same time. End of all it was very nice. Yes, I was nervous but it went great. I saw some beautiful fishes. (I don't understand how they had the courage to come so close to me.) I think I saw some corals from a long distance, I'm not sure because I didn't have the courage to dive so deep. I'm glad we didn't see any sharks, that would have been too scary for me.

After I recovered from that experience I started to make up and get dressed. Some guy from the boat asked me to come to his friends' party tonight so of course I was going because he promised me that there would be music and a lot of people. And so there were.

The party was awesome! There were people who were dancing and I fell in love with the music. It was amazing to see that there are people who are just like me - they go to parties to dance, not to drink. I met so many lovely people that I can't even count so far! I saw breakdance battles and locking and popping dance and some nice guys taught me to make some locking, popping and break moves I didn't know yet. I think I was in heaven. Hmm... What would my mom say, if I moved to Australia?

tiistai 4. maaliskuuta 2014

Dudumbs! English text number two, music ^^

Music – food for my soul

I love music. I listen to music all the time. Now I'm listening to the radio. It feels like something is missing if music isn't playing on the background.

Music definitely is food for my soul. It makes me happy and it helps me when I'm sad. There's always music that matches my mood. It's fantastic that you can just put your headphones on and travel into another world, the world of music.

I listen to all kind of music. I specially like rap, hip hop, reggaeton and something calmer like example R&B. I don't like so much schlager music and the kind of “music” that is nothing but screaming. But when I'm in festivals I can listen to all kind of music. When I listen to live music I can just go with the flow and become a hardcore dancer or schlager singer even if I don't usually like that kind of music. I also like music that is meant to be fun. I love Semmarit for example. Like they say on their website “It's not a band, it's not a choir - it's something else for you to figure out!” They don't usually use instruments in their songs and their group includes twenty-one mans who makes funny sounds and sings about all things between love and wanting to have dreadlocks.

I love to dance and sing, so music is very important to me. Dancing without music is difficult and doesn't feel so much like dancing. I have to do that sometimes but actually then I'm singing something in my mind. When I'm doing my own choreography I think more about the music than the dance moves. I can't do first the choreography and choose the music after that because I can hear in the music what moves I need to make. It's not like I just dance, it feels more like the music is moving me.

I sing almost all the time. I usually call myself the walking jukebox. If you see someone dancing and singing at the hallway or in the school yard, that's probably me. If I don't sing aloud or in my mind then I listen to music.

perjantai 21. helmikuuta 2014

English text number one "Me - a bookworm" (I'm a new blogger ^.^ just had to say it :3)

This is my first blog. Yay! And this maybe will become my real blog or I just write here my English texts. I created this blog because we have to write these text in our English curse and put them in the blog that I didn't have yet, but now i finally have my own blog and I can start writing. 

And here comes the first text.

Me – a bookworm?

I'm definitely a bookworm. I have almost all the time some book that I'm reading. I just read Cassandra Clare's book City of Lost Souls it's fifth book of The Mortal Instruments.

Oops I did it again... I mentioned The Mortal Instruments. I can't think about anything else any more. I love that series. It's so perfect. There are shadowhunters, vampires, demons, angels and other paranormal things. It's the best fantasy that I have ever read. The characters are so awesome. There's Jace, who is supercilious, sarcastic and sometimes even insensitive. He risks his life all the time and his friends and family think he wants to die. He seems like he's looking for problems and everything dangerous.
Clary falls in love with Jace. Clary is stubborn. She's usually in her own world inside her head and she draws. She doesn't write in a diary, she draws.
Simon is my favourite character. He's a cute nerd and he's Clary's best friend, but he has always been in love with Clary. On some point, I think I might like Simon even more because Robert Sheehan is playing him in the movie version.
I don't want to tell too much of the plot. I have read five books so I know all what have happened for now. (The sixth book wont be published until May 27, 2014) I don't want to reveal the plot, because I think everyone should read this series and it's better to start when you haven't heard all the events in advance.

I thought I would read next the third book of The Mortal Instruments in English but my mother tongue teacher has decided that we have to read something boring in Finnish. Okay, it's not seriously so bad book, but it's disturbing that on every page there's something about drinking. Finland is so annoying country, the drinking culture makes me sick.

I think it's sad how little people read nowadays. Reading is a nice, lovely and awesome way to spend boring days. You can go in some other world and imagine all the places and people. You can think that you're one of the characters or just wonder how the plot is going to progress. Reading is awesome! And if you think it's too old-fashioned you can always read e-books that definitely isn't old-fashioned.

I thought this looked too boring without any pictures so there's the latest book i read ^^